SADMIN Required Packages

Posted - Updated 2021-05-05
Supported on Linux, Aix, MacOS

Below is a list of all the packages needed by the SADMIN client and server. If you want to see what packages will be installed by the setup script before running it, you can run the command below.


It will verify each package needed and will tell you which one will have to installed. For more info on this script view the man page of

SADMIN client packages

The SADMIN client will install these packages, if they are not installed. To verify if all the SADMIN requirements are met, you can run the script ‘’. It will give you a status of what package are already installed and the one that will be installed.

rpm package repository deb package repository
redhat-lsb-core Base lsb-release Base
nmon EPEL nmon Base
ethtool Base ethtool Base
net-tools Base net-tools Base
sudo Base sudo Base
lshw Base lshw Base
parted Base parted Base
mailx Base mailutils Base
mutt Base mutt Base
gawk Base gawk Base
curl Base curl Base
bc Base bc Base
openssh-clients Base openssh-client Base
dmidecode Base dmidecode Base
sysstat Base sysstat Base
perl Base perl-base Base
perl-libwww-perl Base libwww-perl Base
util-linux Base util-linux Base
python3 Base util-linux Base

SADMIN server packages

The SADMIN server must meet all the client requirements (Server is also a client) and the packages below. To verify if all the SADMIN requirements are met, you can run the script ‘’. It will give you a status of what package are already installed and the one that will be installed. The Web Server and the Database will be installed, created and configured for you.

rpm package repository deb package repository
‘httpd httpd-tools’ Base ‘apache2 apache2-utils libapache2-mod-php’ Base
rrdtool Base rrdtool Base
arp-scan Base arp-scan Base
fping Base ‘fping monitoring-plugins-standard’ Base
‘php php-common php-cli php-mysqlnd php-mbstring’ Base ‘php php-mysql php-common php-cli’ Base
mariadb-server Base ‘mariadb-server mariadb-client’ Base