3 minute read

$SADMIN/bin/ - v3.25
Posted 2021-03-16 - Updated 2021-07-26
Supported on Linux

NAME - Collect latest scripts results and monitoring status

SYNOPSIS [-d 0-9] [-h] [-v]
Can only be run on SADMIN Server.


The main function of this script is to collect logs and history files of every actives clients. It then analyse this information and issue alert by ‘SMS/Texto’, ‘Slack’ or by email when needed. Finally, it generate various crontab files (Daily backup, ReaR backup and O/S update) when user modify some schedule.

  • Only clients having an ‘active’ status are fetched.
  • After making sure it can SSH to clients ;
    • Only new or modified files with extensions ‘.rch’, ‘.log’ and ‘*.rpt’ on clients are synchronize (rsync) with the SADMIN server.
    • Then each script history (‘rch’) and system monitor (‘.rpt’) files are examined and alert are issue if needed.
  • Finally, if any schedule (Backup, Rear backup, O/S update) have been modified the proper crontab file is updated accordingly in /etc/cron.d directory.
    /etc/cron.d $ ls -l 
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2319 May  5 16:36 sadm_backup
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1998 May  5 16:36 sadm_osupdate
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1389 May  5 16:36 sadm_rear_backup


root@holmes:~ #
Wed May  5 21:21:52 EDT 2021 - V3.25 - SADM Lib. V3.69
Server Name: - Type: LINUX
CENTOS 7.9.2009 Kernel 3.10.0-1160.24.1.el7.x86_64

Processing active 'linux' server(s)

Processing [1]
[ OK ] rsync /sadmin/cfg/alert_group.cfg
[ OK ] rsync /sadmin/cfg/alert_slack.cfg
[ OK ] rsync -var --delete /sadmin/www/dat/borg/cfg/
[ OK ] rsync -var --delete /sadmin/www/dat/borg/log/
[ OK ] rsync -var --delete /sadmin/www/dat/borg/rch/
[ OK ] rsync -var --delete /sadmin/www/dat/borg/rpt/
Processing [6]
[ WARNING ]  Can't SSH to (Sporadic System).
No Active 'aix' system found.

Processing active 'darwin' server(s)

Processing [1]
[ OK ] rsync /sadmin/cfg/alert_group.cfg
[ OK ] rsync /sadmin/cfg/alert_slack.cfg
[ OK ] rsync -var --delete /sadmin/www/dat/imac/cfg/
[ OK ] rsync -var --delete /sadmin/www/dat/imac/log/
[ OK ] rsync -var --delete /sadmin/www/dat/imac/rch/
[ OK ] rsync -var --delete /sadmin/www/dat/imac/rpt/

Systems Rsync Summary
 - Total Linux error(s)  : 0
 - Total Aix error(s)    : 0
 - Total Mac error(s)    : 0
Rsync Total Error(s)     : 0

Crontab Update Summary
  - No need to update the O/S update schedule crontab (/etc/cron.d/sadm_osupdate).
  - No need to update the backup crontab (/etc/cron.d/sadm_backup).
  - No need to update the ReaR backup crontab (/etc/cron.d/sadm_rear_backup).

Verifying all Systems Monitors reports files (*.rpt) :
No error reported by any 'SysMon report files' (*.rpt).

No System Monitor Alert(s) submitted
   - New alert sent successfully : 0
   - Alert error trying to send  : 0
   - Alert older than 24 Hrs     : 0
   - Alert already sent          : 0

Verifying all systems scripts results files (*.rch) :
1) 2021.04.15 09:15 alert (S) for sa_rsync_ds410_to_rasnas on holmes: Alert is older than 24 hrs.
2) 2021.05.05 18:30 alert (S) for sa_rsync_pictures on borg: Alert already sent.
3) 2021.05.05 15:30 alert (S) for sadm_vm_backup on borg: Alert already sent.

3 Script(s) Alert(s) submitted
   - New alert sent successfully : 0
   - Alert error trying to send  : 0
   - Alert older than 24 Hrs     : 1
   - Alert already sent          : 2

Script exit code is 0 (Success) and execution time is 00:01:26
History (/sadmin/dat/rch/holmes_sadm_fetch_clients.rch) trim to 150 lines ($SADM_MAX_RCLINE=150).
Script will send an alert only when it terminate with error ($SADM_ALERT_TYPE=1).
Script succeeded, no alert will be send to 'default' alert group.
Log /sadmin/log/holmes_sadm_fetch_clients.log trim to 25000 lines ($SADM_MAX_LOGLINE=25000).
End of - Wed May  5 21:23:14 EDT 2021


Options Description
[ -d 0-9 ] Set debug level from 0 to 9 (Default is 0)
[ -h ] Display this help and exit.
[ -v ] Output version information and exit.


  • The “$SADMIN” environment variable must be defined and contains the root directory of the SADMIN tools (normally /opt/sadmin). It should be already done, the setup script have updated the ‘/etc/profile.d/’ and the ‘/etc/environment’ files.
  • The SADMIN configuration file, is needed and loaded in memory at the beginning of every scripts. This file should already exist and contains your SADMIN configuration and preference setting.
  • For Shell script the Shell Library is used and for Python script the Python Library is used.


Exit Code Description
0 An exit status of zero indicates success.
1 Failure is indicated by a nonzero value, typically ‘1’.


Jacques Duplessis
Any suggestions or bug report can be submitted at the support page

Copyright © 2022 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later
This is free software, you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY to the extent permitted by law.

SEE ALSO - List/Install required SADMIN Tools packages