3 minute read

Posted 2021-04-07 - Updated 2022-07-30
Supported on Linux, Aix, MacOS

SADMIN shell standard library documentation

Function Call Description Return value example
sadm_ask “Question” Show ‘Question’ & wait for Y, y, N or n 0=No 1=Yes
$(sadm_capitalize “LINUX”) Return 1st char. in uppercase & rest in lower Linux
sadm_check_system_lock “hostname” Check the system name ($1) is currently lock 0=Not Lock, 1=Lock
sadm_lock_system “hostname” Lock the system name ($1), suspend monitoring of it. 0=Lock, 1=Can’t Lock
sadm_unlock_system “hostname” Unlock the system name ($1), resume monitoring of it. 0=Unlock, 1=Can’t Unlock
$(sadm_get_release) Return SADMIN Release Number 1.4.1
$(sadm_get_ostype) Return OS type in uppercase (LINUX,AIX,DARWIN) LINUX
$(sadm_get_osversion) Return O/S version (Ex: 7.2, 6.5) 7.9.2009
$(sadm_get_osmajorversion) Return O/S major version (Ex 7, 6) 9
$(sadm_get_osminorversion) Return O/S minor version (Ex 2, 3) 0
$(sadm_get_osname) Return Uppercase O/S name (REDHAT,CENTOS,UBUNTU,..) CENTOS
$(sadm_get_oscodename) Return O/S project code name focal
$(sadm_get_kernel_version) Return O/S kernel version 5.4.0-58-generic
$(sadm_get_kernel_bitmode) Return O/S kernel bit mode (32 or 64) 64
$(sadm_get_hostname) Return current host name imac
$(sadm_get_host_ip) Return current host IP address
$(sadm_get_domainname) Return current host domain name
$(sadm_get_fqdn) Return fully qualified domain host name
$(sadm_get_epoch_time) Return the current epoch time 1609808693
$(sadm_epoch_to_date 1609808693) Convert epoch time to date (YYY.MM.DD HH:MM:SS) 2021.01.4 20:04:53
$(sadm_date_to_epoch “$WDATE”) Convert Date to epoch (WDATE=’2021.01.4 20:04:53’) 1609808693
$(sadm_elapse “2016.01.30 10:00:4’ ‘2016.01.30 10:00:03’) Elapse Time between two timestamps 00:00:41
$(sadm_get_packagetype) Get package type (rpm,deb,aix,dmg) of current host deb
$(sadm_server_type) Host is Physical or Virtual (P/V) P
$(sadm_server_model) Server model (Ex: HP ProLiant DL580) iMac12,2
$(sadm_server_serial) Server serial number (Ex: 4S7GYF1) Not
$(sadm_server_memory) Server total memory in MB (Ex: 3790) 11959
$(sadm_server_hardware_bitmode) CPU Hardware capable of 32/64 bits 64
$(sadm_server_nb_logical_cpu) Number of Logical CPU on server 4
$(sadm_server_nb_cpu) Number of Physical CPU on server 1
$(sadm_server_arch) System Architecture x86_64
$(sadm_server_nb_socket) Number of socket on server 1
$(sadm_server_core_per_socket) Number of Core per Socket 4
$(sadm_server_thread_per_core) Number of Thread per Core 1
$(sadm_server_cpu_speed) Server CPU Speed in MHz 2093
$(sadm_server_disks) Disks list(MB) (DISKNAME|SIZE,…) sda|1024000
$(sadm_server_vg) VG list(MB) (VGNAME|SIZE|USED|FREE) rootvg|476426|466002|10424
$(sadm_server_ips) Net Dev (Name|IP|Netmask|MAC) eth0||| c8:2a:14:3b:59:a1
$(sadm_toupper “Linux”) Return string in uppercase LINUX
$(sadm_tolower “LINUX”) Return string in lowercase linux
sadm_isnumeric 25 Return 0 if it is an integer else 1 0
sadm_check_requirements() Check/Set Path of require commands 0=OK or 1=Error
sadm_get_command_path “lscpu” Get full path (return blank if not found) /usr/bin/lscpu
sadm_load_config_file Load/Reload sadmin.cfg in Global Var. Exit if fail
sadm_sendmail “email” “subject” “boby” “file” Sendmail, file is optional, multiple files separated by ‘,’. 0=Mail sent or 1=Error
sadm_show_version Show Script Name,Ver.,Libr.Ver,OS Name/Ver,KernelVer Used for script -v arg.
sadm_sleep 60 15 Sleep 60 seconds, update progress bar every 15 sec. 0…15…30…45…60
sadm_start Init SADMIN Env. log, rch, tmpfile, pid Exit if fail
sadm_stop 0 Stop 0=Success 1=Error (Close log,rch Del PID,tmp) 0 or 1
sadm_trimfile “$file” 125 Trim file ($1) to number of lines ($2) sadm_trimfile “test.log” 125
sadm_write “message” Write message without LF in log and on screen message
sadm_writelog “message” Write message with LF in log and on screen message\n
sadm_write_err “message” Write message with LF in error log, std log & screen message\n
sadm_write_log “message” Write message with LF in log and on screen message\n


  • The “$SADMIN” environment variable must be defined and contains the root directory of the SADMIN tools (normally /opt/sadmin). It should be already done, the setup script have updated the ‘/etc/profile.d/’ and the ‘/etc/environment’ files.
  • The SADMIN configuration file, is needed and loaded in memory at the beginning of every scripts. This file should already exist and contains your SADMIN configuration and preference setting.
  • For Shell script the Shell Library is used and for Python script the Python Library is used.


Exit Code Description
0 An exit status of zero indicates success.
1 Failure is indicated by a nonzero value, typically ‘1’.


Jacques Duplessis
Any suggestions or bug report can be submitted at the support page

Copyright © 2022 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later
This is free software, you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY to the extent permitted by law.

SEE ALSO - SADMIN standard python library - SADMIN screen oriented library - Using SADMIN Shell script template - Using SADMIN Python script template - Using SADMIN shell menu template - SADMIN Shell Library Functions Demo - SADMIN Python Library Functions Demo