NAME - SADMIN Shell Library Functions Demo
SYNOPSIS [ -d 0-9 ] [ -h ] [ -p ] [ -s ] [ -t ] [ -v ]
Show all Library global variables and functions examples, that you can use within your shell script. We suggest running this script and pipe the output to ‘less’ to see how variables and functions works on your system.
$ sudo $SADMIN/bin/ | less
Examples below have different values than on your system and that’s normal. For example, you may have installed SADMIN in ‘/opt/sadmin’ instead of ‘/sadmin’ like below. There is a PDF with the output of this script, you can use it for reference purpose.
User variables that affect SADMIN shell library behavior
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Var. affecting SADMIN behavior Description System Result
[001] $SADM_VER Script Version Number : 3.13
[002] $SADM_PN Script Name :
[003] $SADM_INST Script Name Without Extension : sadmlib_std_demo
[004] $SADM_USERNAME Current User Name : root
[005] $SADM_TPID Current Process ID : 26992
[006] $SADM_MULTIPLE_EXEC Allow running multiple copy : Y
[007] $SADM_USE_RCH Gen. entry in .rch file : N
[008] $SADM_LOG_TYPE Set Output to [S]creen [L]og [B]oth : B
[009] $SADM_LOG_APPEND Append Log or Create New One : N
[010] $SADM_LOG_HEADER Generate Header in log : N
[011] $SADM_LOG_FOOTER Generate or not Footer in log : N
[012] $SADM_EXIT_CODE Script Exit Return Code :
SADMIN Shell Library functions available to your script
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Calling Functions Description System Result
[01] $(sadm_get_release) SADMIN Release Number (XX.XX) : 1.2.0
[02] $(sadm_get_ostype) OS Type Uppercase(LINUX,AIX,DARWIN): LINUX
[03] $(sadm_get_osversion) Return O/S Version (Ex: 7.2, 6.5) : 7.7.1908
[04] $(sadm_get_osmajorversion) Return O/S Major Version (Ex 7, 6) : 7
[05] $(sadm_get_osminorversion) Return O/S Minor Version (Ex 2, 3) : 7
[06] $(sadm_get_osname) O/S Name (REDHAT,CENTOS,UBUNTU,...): CENTOS
[07] $(sadm_get_oscodename) O/S Project Code Name : Core
[08] $(sadm_get_kernel_version) O/S Running Kernel Version :3.10.0-1062.4.1.el7.x86_64
[09] $(sadm_get_kernel_bitmode) O/S Kernel Bit Mode (32 or 64) : 64
[10] $(sadm_get_hostname) Current Host Name : holmes
[11] $(sadm_get_host_ip) Current Host IP Address :
[12] $(sadm_get_domainname) Current Host Domain Name :
[13] $(sadm_get_fqdn) Fully Qualified Domain Host Name :
[14] $(sadm_get_epoch_time) Get Current Epoch Time : 1574606133
[15] $(sadm_epoch_to_date 1574606133) Convert epoch time to date : 2019.11.24 09:35:33
WDATE='2019.11.24 09:35:33'
[16] $(sadm_date_to_epoch "$WDATE") Convert Date to epoch time : 1574606133
DATE1='2016.01.30 10:00:44'
DATE2='2016.01.30 10:00:03'
[17] $(sadm_elapse "$DATE1" "$DATE2") Elapse Time between two timestamps : 00:00:41
[18] $(sadm_get_packagetype) Get package type (rpm,deb,aix,dmg) : rpm
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[01] $(sadm_server_type) Host is Physical or Virtual (P/V) : P
[02] $(sadm_server_model) Server model (Ex: HP ProLiant DL580): OptiPlex 7020
[03] $(sadm_server_serial) Server serial number (Ex: 4S7GYF1) : BJSV942
[04] $(sadm_server_memory) Server total memory in MB (Ex: 3790): 7729
[05] $(sadm_server_hardware_bitmode) CPU Hardware capable of 32/64 bits : 64
[06] $(sadm_server_nb_logical_cpu) Number of Logical CPU on server : 4
[07] $(sadm_server_nb_cpu) Number of Physical CPU on server : 1
[08] $(sadm_server_arch) System Architecture : x86_64
[09] $(sadm_server_nb_socket) Number of socket on server : 1
[10] $(sadm_server_core_per_socket) Number of Core per Socket : 4
[11] $(sadm_server_thread_per_core) Number of Thread per Core : 1
[12] $(sadm_server_cpu_speed) Server CPU Speed in MHz : 3500
[13] $(sadm_server_disks) Disks list(MB) (DISKNAME|SIZE,...) : sda|512000,sdb|1024000
[14] $(sadm_server_vg) VG list(MB) (VGNAME|SIZE|USED|FREE) : rootvg|476426|449526|26900
[15] $(sadm_server_ips) Network IP(Name|IP|Netmask|MAC) : em1|||98:90:96:b7:64
[16] sadm_toupper string Return string uppercase : STRING
[17] sadm_tolower STRING Return string lowercase : string
Main function of the Library, the ‘sadm_start’ and ‘sadm_stop’ functions
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Overview of sadm_start and sadm_stop function
sadm_start # Init Env Dir & RC/Log File
if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then sadm_stop 1 ; exit 1 ;fi # Exit if Problem
main_process # Main Process
SADM_EXIT_CODE=$? # Save Error Code
sadm_stop $SADM_EXIT_CODE # Close SADM Tool & Upd RCH
exit $SADM_EXIT_CODE # Exit With Global Err (0/1)
This function start and initialize sadm environment and accept no parameter. Make sure the SADMIN environment variable is set to proper directory. Call this function when your script is starting.
What sadm_start() function does
1- Make sure all directories & sub-directories exist and have proper permissions.
2- Make sure log file exist with proper permission (/sadmin/log/holmes_sadmlib_std_demo.log).
3- Make sure Return Code History (.rch) exist and have the right permission.
4- If PID file exist, show error message and abort.
5- Unless user allow more than one copy to run simultaneously (SADM_MULTIPLE_EXEC=’Y’).
6- Add line in the [R]eturn [C]ode [H]istory file stating script is started (Code 2).
7- Write HostName, script name, O/S name and version to the Log file.
The ‘sadm_stop’ function accept one parameter. The parameter can be either 0 (Successfully) if the script terminated with success or with a non-zero (Error Encountered) if it terminated with error. Please call this function just before your script end.
What sadm_stop() function does
1- If Exit Code is not zero, change it to 1.
2- Get Actual Time and Calculate the Execution Time.
3- Writing the Script Footer in the Log (Script Return code, Execution Time, …)
4- Update the RCH File (Start/End/Elapse Time and the Result Code)
5- Trim The RCH File Based on User choice in sadmin.cfg
6- Write to Log the user mail alerting type choose by user (sadmin.cfg)
7- Trim the Log based on user selection in sadmin.cfg
8- Send Email to sysadmin (if user selected that option in sadmin.cfg)
9- Delete the PID File of the script (SADM_PID_FILE)
10- Delete the User 3 TMP Files (SADM_TMP_FILE1, SADM_TMP_FILE2, SADM_TMP_FILE3)
Variables loaded from the SADMIN configuration file
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SADMIN CONFIG FILE VARIABLES Description This System Result
[002] $SADM_HOST_TYPE SADMIN [C]lient or [S]erver : S
[003] $SADM_MAIL_ADDR SADMIN Administrator Default Email :
[004] $SADM_ALERT_TYPE 0=NoMail 1=OnError 2=OnSuccess 3=All: 1
[005] $SADM_ALERT_GROUP Default Alert Group : default
[006] $SADM_ALERT_REPEAT Seconds to wait before repeat alert : 21600
[008] $SADM_CIE_NAME Your Company Name : Your Cie Name
[009] $SADM_DOMAIN Server Creation Default Domain :
[010] $SADM_USER SADMIN User Name : sadmin
[011] $SADM_GROUP SADMIN Group Name : sadmin
[012] $SADM_WWW_USER User that Run Apache Web Server : apache
[013] $SADM_WWW_GROUP Group that Run Apache Web Server : apache
[014] $SADM_DBNAME SADMIN Database Name : sadmin
[015] $SADM_DBHOST SADMIN Database Host :
[016] $SADM_DBPORT SADMIN Database Host TCP Port : 3306
[017] $SADM_RW_DBUSER SADMIN Database Read/Write User : sadmin
[018] $SADM_RW_DBPWD SADMIN Database Read/Write User Pwd :
[019] $SADM_RO_DBUSER SADMIN Database Read Only User : squery
[020] $SADM_RO_DBPWD SADMIN Database Read Only User Pwd :
[021] $SADM_RRDTOOL RRDTOOL Binary Location : /bin/rrdtool
[022] $SADM_SSH_PORT SSH Port to communicate with client : 32
[023] $SADM_NMON_KEEPDAYS Nb. of days to keep nmon perf. file : 40
[024] $SADM_RCH_KEEPDAYS Nb. days to keep unmodified rch file: 60
[025] $SADM_LOG_KEEPDAYS Nb. days to keep unmodified log file: 60
[026] $SADM_MAX_RCLINE Trim rch file to this max. of lines : 75
[027] $SADM_MAX_LOGLINE Trim log to this maximum of lines : 500
[028] $SADM_NETWORK1 Network/Netmask 1 inv. IP/Name/Mac :
[029] $SADM_NETWORK2 Network/Netmask 2 inv. IP/Name/Mac :
[030] $SADM_NETWORK3 Network/Netmask 3 inv. IP/Name/Mac :
[031] $SADM_NETWORK4 Network/Netmask 4 inv. IP/Name/Mac :
[032] $SADM_NETWORK5 Network/Netmask 5 inv. IP/Name/Mac :
[036] $SADM_REAR_NFS_SERVER Rear NFS Server IP or Name :
[037] $SADM_REAR_NFS_MOUNT_POINT Rear NFS Mount Point : /volume1/Linux_DR
[038] $SADM_REAR_BACKUP_TO_KEEP Rear NFS Backup - Nb. to keep : 3
[039] $SADM_BACKUP_NFS_SERVER NFS Backup IP or Server Name :
[040] $SADM_BACKUP_NFS_MOUNT_POINT NFS Backup Mount Point : /volume1/backup_linux
[041] $SADM_DAILY_BACKUP_TO_KEEP Nb. of Daily Backup to keep : 4
[042] $SADM_WEEKLY_BACKUP_TO_KEEP Nb. of Weekly Backup to keep : 4
[043] $SADM_MONTHLY_BACKUP_TO_KEEP Nb. of Monthly Backup to keep : 4
[044] $SADM_YEARLY_BACKUP_TO_KEEP Nb. of Yearly Backup to keep : 2
[045] $SADM_WEEKLY_BACKUP_DAY Weekly Backup Day (1=Mon,...,7=Sun) : 5
[046] $SADM_MONTHLY_BACKUP_DATE Monthly Backup Date (1-28) : 1
[047] $SADM_YEARLY_BACKUP_MONTH Month to take Yearly Backup (1-12) : 12
[048] $SADM_YEARLY_BACKUP_DATE Date to do Yearly Backup(1-DayInMth): 31
*Variables set to various SADMIN directories
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Client Directories Var. Description This System Result
[01] $SADM_BASE_DIR SADMIN Root Directory : /sadmin
[02] $SADM_BIN_DIR SADMIN Scripts Directory : /sadmin/bin
[03] $SADM_TMP_DIR SADMIN Temporary file(s) Directory : /sadmin/tmp
[04] $SADM_LIB_DIR SADMIN Shell & Python Library Dir. : /sadmin/lib
[05] $SADM_LOG_DIR SADMIN Script Log Directory : /sadmin/log
[06] $SADM_CFG_DIR SADMIN Configuration Directory : /sadmin/cfg
[07] $SADM_SYS_DIR Server Startup/Shutdown Script Dir. : /sadmin/sys
[08] $SADM_DOC_DIR SADMIN Documentation Directory : /sadmin/doc
[09] $SADM_PKG_DIR SADMIN Packages Directory : /sadmin/pkg
[10] $SADM_DAT_DIR Server Data Directory : /sadmin/dat
[11] $SADM_NMON_DIR Server NMON - Data Collected Dir. : /sadmin/dat/nmon
[12] $SADM_DR_DIR Server Disaster Recovery Info Dir. : /sadmin/dat/dr
[13] $SADM_RCH_DIR Server Return Code History Dir. : /sadmin/dat/rch
[14] $SADM_NET_DIR Server Network Info Dir. : /sadmin/dat/net
[15] $SADM_RPT_DIR SYStem MONitor Report Directory : /sadmin/dat/rpt
[16] $SADM_DBB_DIR Database Backup Directory : /sadmin/dat/dbb
[17] $SADM_SETUP_DIR SADMIN Installation/Update Dir. : /sadmin/setup
[18] $SADM_USR_DIR User/System specific directory : /sadmin/usr
[19] $SADM_UBIN_DIR User/System specific bin/script Dir.: /sadmin/usr/bin
[20] $SADM_ULIB_DIR User/System specific library Dir. : /sadmin/usr/lib
[21] $SADM_UDOC_DIR User/System specific documentation : /sadmin/usr/doc
[22] $SADM_UMON_DIR User/System specific SysMon Scripts : /sadmin/usr/mon
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Server Directories Var. Description This System Result
[01] $SADM_WWW_DIR SADMIN Web Site Root Directory : /sadmin/www
[02] $SADM_WWW_DOC_DIR SADMIN Web Documentation Dir. : /sadmin/www/doc
[03] $SADM_WWW_DAT_DIR SADMIN Web Site Systems Data Dir. : /sadmin/www/dat
[04] $SADM_WWW_LIB_DIR SADMIN Web Site PHP Library Dir. : /sadmin/www/lib
[05] $SADM_WWW_TMP_DIR SADMIN Web Temp Working Directory : /sadmin/www/tmp
[06] $SADM_WWW_PERF_DIR SADMIN Web Performance Graph Dir. : /sadmin/www/tmp/perf
Set of variables that contains various file name use by SADMIN
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SADMIN FILES VARIABLES AVAIL. Description This System Result
[01] $SADM_PID_FILE Current script PID file : /sadmin/tmp/
[02] $SADM_CFG_FILE SADMIN Configuration File : /sadmin/cfg/sadmin.cfg
[03] $SADM_CFG_HIDDEN SADMIN Initial Configuration File : /sadmin/cfg/.sadmin.cfg
[04] $SADM_ALERT_FILE SADMIN Alert Group File : /sadmin/cfg/alert_group.cfg
[05] $SADM_ALERT_INIT SADMIN Initial Alert Group File : /sadmin/cfg/.alert_group.cfg
[06] $SADM_SLACK_FILE SADMIN Slack Channel WebHook File : /sadmin/cfg/alert_slack.cfg
[07] $SADM_SLACK_INIT SADMIN Initial Slack WebHook File : /sadmin/cfg/.alert_slack.cfg
[08] $SADM_ALERT_HIST SADMIN Alert History File : /sadmin/cfg/alert_history.txt
[09] $SADM_ALERT_HINI SADMIN Initial Alert History File : /sadmin/cfg/.alert_history.txt
[10] $SADM_ALERT_SEQ SADMIN Alert Reference Number File : /sadmin/cfg/alert_history.seq
[11] $SADM_TMP_FILE1 User usable Temp Work File 1 : /sadmin/tmp/sadmlib_std_demo_1.26992
[12] $SADM_TMP_FILE2 User usable Temp Work File 2 : /sadmin/tmp/sadmlib_std_demo_2.26992
[13] $SADM_TMP_FILE3 User usable Temp Work File 3 : /sadmin/tmp/sadmlib_std_demo_3.26992
[14] $SADM_LOG Script Log File : /sadmin/log/holmes_sadmlib_std_demo.log
[15] $SADM_RCHLOG Script Return Code History File : /sadmin/dat/rch/holmes_sadmlib_std_demo.rch
[16] $DBPASSFILE SADMIN Database User Password File : /sadmin/cfg/.dbpass
[17] $SADM_RPT_FILE SYStem MONitor Report File : /sadmin/dat/rpt/holmes.rpt
[18] $SADM_BACKUP_LIST Backup List File Name : /sadmin/cfg/backup_list.txt
[19] $SADM_BACKUP_LIST_INIT Initial Backup List (Template) : /sadmin/cfg/.backup_list.txt
[20] $SADM_BACKUP_EXCLUDE Backup Exclude List File Name : /sadmin/cfg/backup_exclude.txt
[21] $SADM_BACKUP_EXCLUDE_INIT Initial Backup Exclude (Template) : /sadmin/cfg/.backup_exclude.txt
Variables are set automatically when you call the ‘sadm_start()’ function
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COMMAND PATH Description This System Result
[001] $SADM_LSB_RELEASE Cmd. 'lsb_release', Get O/S Version : /bin/lsb_release
[002] $SADM_DMIDECODE Cmd. 'dmidecode', Get model & type : /sbin/dmidecode
[003] $SADM_FACTER Cmd. 'facter', Get System Info : /bin/facter
[004] $SADM_BC Cmd. 'bc', Do some Math. : /bin/bc
[005] $SADM_FDISK Cmd. 'fdisk', Get Partition Info : /sbin/fdisk
[006] $SADM_WHICH Cmd. 'which', Get Command location : /bin/which
[007] $SADM_PERL Cmd. 'perl', epoch time Calc. : /bin/perl
[008] $SADM_MAIL Cmd. 'mail', Send SysAdmin Email : /bin/mail
[009] $SADM_MUTT Cmd. 'mutt', Used to Send Email : /bin/mutt
[010] $SADM_CURL Used to send alert to Slack : /bin/curl
[011] $SADM_LSCPU Cmd. 'lscpu', Socket & thread info : /bin/lscpu
[012] $SADM_NMON Cmd. 'nmon', Collect Perf Statistic : /bin/nmon
[013] $SADM_PARTED Cmd. 'parted', Get Disk Real Size : /sbin/parted
[014] $SADM_ETHTOOL Cmd. 'ethtool', Get System IP Info : /sbin/ethtool
[015] $SADM_SSH Cmd. 'ssh', SSH to SADMIN client : /bin/ssh
[016] $SADM_SSH_CMD Cmd. 'ssh', SSH to Connect to client: /bin/ssh -qnp32
If variable content is blank, it means that the command is not available on the current system.
Options | Description |
[ -d 0-9 ] | Set debug level from 0 to 9 (Default is 0) |
[ -h ] | Display this help and exit. |
[ -v ] | Output version information and exit. |
- The “$SADMIN” environment variable must be defined and contains the root directory of the SADMIN tools (normally /opt/sadmin). It should be already done, the setup script have updated the ‘/etc/profile.d/’ and the ‘/etc/environment’ files.
- The SADMIN configuration file, is needed and loaded in memory at the beginning of every scripts. This file should already exist and contains your SADMIN configuration and preference setting.
- For Shell script the Shell Library is used and for Python script the Python Library is used.
Exit Code | Description |
0 | An exit status of zero indicates success. |
1 | Failure is indicated by a nonzero value, typically ‘1’. |
Jacques Duplessis
Any suggestions or bug report can be submitted at the support page
Copyright © 2022 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later
This is free software, you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY to the extent permitted by law.
SEE ALSO - rsync all .rch/.log/.rpt from actives clients to the SADMIN Server. - List/Install required SADMIN Tools packages - Using SADMIN Shell script template - Using SADMIN Python script template - Using SADMIN shell menu template - Use to run your existing scripts & benefit of SADMIN tools - SADMIN Shell Library Functions Demo - SADMIN Python Library Functions Demo