Verify Web site responsiveness

2 minute read

Posted 2021-06-27 - Updated 2021-07-05
Supported on Linux, Aix, MacOS

Verify Web site responsiveness

  • With the System Monitor you can verify if a web site is responsive or not to an ‘http’ or a ‘https’ request. To monitor if a web site is reponsive to a ‘http’ or ‘https’ request, you must insert a line in SysMon configuration file ($SADMIN/cfg/hostname-s.smon) like the one below. The line MUST begin with the string “http_” or “https_”. The System monitor is using the “curl http(s):sitename -I” to check the site responsiveness.
  • As always column two represent the result of the test, so we will have a ‘0’ if we can connect to the web site and a ‘1’ if we can’t.

In the example below, the web site “http://coco.coco” didn’t respond (1 in column 2) and the one web site did respond to request. When a web site don’t respond to the request, then an alert is issue to the “Error” alert group, since the error is activated by the ‘1’ in column 5 (Error Threshold). Remember, when we have a ‘00’ in column 4 (Warning threshold) or 5 (Error threshold) the value (column 2) is not tested against it.

# Test web site responsiveness (0=OK 1=NoResponse)
# ID COLUMN 1       2 3  4  5  6   7    8   9 A B C D E F G     H     I     J       K     L     0 = 00 01 000 0000 0000 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 00000000 0000 default default - 0 = 00 01 000 0000 0000 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 00000000 0000 default default - 0 = 00 01 000 0000 0000 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 00000000 0000 default default -

Example of SysMon output

In the example two out of three web sites did response and one that didn’t (http://coco.coco).

root@holmes:~ #

Creating lock file /sadmin/sysmon.lock
Loading SADMIN configuration file /sadmin/cfg/sadmin.cfg
SADMIN SYStem MONitor Tools - Version 2.44
O/S Name                 = linux
Debugging Level          = 5
SADM_BASE_DIR            = /sadmin
Hostname                 = holmes
Virtual Server           = N
CMD_SSH                  = /bin/ssh

Checking response from http://coco.coco ... 
[ ERROR ] (6) Web site not responding
Error #6 : Could not resolve host name

Checking response from ... 
[OK] Web site is responding

Checking response from ... 
[OK] Web site is responding

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See also

Link to … Description Command line summary of alerts and failed scripts of all your servers. Client system monitor rsync all .rch/.log/.rpt from actives clients to the SADMIN server
SysMon configuration file Client System Monitor configuration file
sadmin.cfg SADMIN main configuration file